sorry its been a while peeps
so i went out again yesterday, about 6pm - took the skywatcher 250px out after charging the tank, set up, pointed north, did the usually doodahs with setting up GOTO - worked first time... realised my house was actually in the way of Orion, 7 sisters, Jupiter and just about the rest of the heavens, so set up in a different spot and got the GOTO working 1st time again... annoyingly i ended up not using it as i knew where everything was that i wanted to look at
1) Jupiter - it always amazes me with my Zoom ep, how at 24 its bright and tiny but at 8 its massive and STILL bright !!!! something certainly can be said about buying an excellent EP - so at 8x i saw clearly the 2 major cloud bands with the smaller bands also visible and 2 moon flailing around, i must have come back to this target 12 times over the few hours i was out there... always draws my gaze
2) betelguise - not much to say... hasnt blown up yet - still red, still there... annoying (in some ways)
3) the orion neb - didnt get to see this as i spent ages waiting for it to come up and then the baby started going into one and it took both of us to deal with ! kids PAH ! - ill get u next time
4) andromeda galaxy - for the first time i saw detail and not just a fuzz.... unsure why ! isnt it usually awful ?
5) Pleiades - binoculars only as its just too close !
all in all a good night - all the equiptment got wet after just 2 hours though and fogged up totally at the end !!!
happy reading:)